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refinance property costs


low fixed-rate legal fees for your refinance of property transaction

Refinance Property costs

Are you looking to refinance your property? In many family law related cases, one of the spouses refinances the property in order to “buy out” the other spouse from the property. At other times, it may not be related to a spousal buyout but you are just looking to refinance the property. Whatever your situation, our law firm offers low fixed-rate legal fees to complete your refinance of property transaction. 

Refinance Property
$899 + HST

Initial Consult
Review Purchase Agreement
Perform Searches
Correspond with Seller
Draft Necessary Paperwork
Investigate Title Issues
Sign & Release Transfer
Final Reporting


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    Simple or Joint DivorceSeparation AgreementMarriage ContractDivorce Opinion LetterContested Divorce/Court LitigationOther

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